Thursday, December 07, 2006

Guess What?

I've been tagged! I know it's crazy, but I love these things. It helps me get things out and organized and helps me see things about myself that I've either forgotten or never really realized before. It also gives me a chance to know a little bit about others in blogger space. Blame this one on Angela. Personally, I'm gonna thank her.

4 Jobs I have Had

1. Office work of all kinds – telephone sales (incoming and outbound), receptionist, credit analyst, accounts payable

2. I’ve done just about anything there could be done in a warehouse – picking/packing/quality control/receiving/inventory control

3. video manufacturing where we would make 1500 copies at one time. Pretty cool.

4. Taught kindergarten for 2 years, 1st grade for 1 year, high school cheer coach 1 year, junior/senior high school girls P.E. 2 years. BTW, the cheerleading, kindergarten and P.E. were during the same years. Thankfully kindergarten was only half day

4 Movies I would Watch Over and Over

Can I settle for 4 movies I would watch or have watched more than once? Good question…let’s see the ones I do watch over and over

1. The Harry Potter Series

2. Timeline

3. Anything by Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks

4. Anything with Sandra Bullock – Speed (the first one), The Lake House, The Net, the list goes on

4 TV Shows.

As stated earlier I’m a TVaholic. I have so many more than 4 (some on DVD)

1. Days of our Lives – yeah, so shoot me…this is the only soap I watch, but I’ve watched it since I was in junior high (off and on)

2. Charmed (have the first 5 or 6 seasons on DVD) but thankfully, they are still in syndication.

3. Stargate SG-1 (we have all but season 9 on DVD)

4. Heroes (can’t get enough of this show – new episodes late January)
Check out my post here to see the other shows I'm into (to which I really need to add The Class and How I Met your Mother)

4 Places I Have Visited

1. Florida (Pensacola, Orlando, Palm Beach, North Beach, and probably a few others)

2. Canada (west coast when I was 20, Ontario a few times the past few years due to Hubby having family there)

3. South America (on the cruise from hell (also see this post)…gonna have to take another one just to know if it’s really not for us or we just had bad luck on this one)

4. Orcas Islands (off Washington/Canada coast). Same trip from when I was 20.

4 Favourite Foods.

1. See’s Truffles and chocolates (see previous post)

2. Pad Thai

3. Chimichunga with cheese sauce/guacamole

4. Italian (lasagna, spaghetti, pizza) Never had these authentic Italian foods, but I love the American version of these.

4 Websites I visit daily.

1. Cute Overload

2. Dante’s Virgil

3. Damnit! Earth

4. A Day in the Life of Me

Honestly, I visit so much more than just these 4 each day, but these are the 4 that got me rolling along lurking on other’s blogs. So, blame them. J

4 Bloggers I would Like to Respond if they can...

1. Manda

2. Contemplator

3. Chelsea

4. A Typical Woman

Good luck! Please let me know if you’ve decided to do this as well. I look forward to reading your posts.


Manda Girl said...

I'll totally play! Thanks for visiting - I look in on your world everyday too ;)

Anonymous said...

I will play too, it will be tomorrow's entry! Thanks for tagging me, I enjoy your site!

Anonymous said...

I have also watched Days since I was a teenager! LOL I am in Ontario, where have you been to?

angela said...

I was touched and honoured by your comment. Thank you.
Thanks for doing the meme.
I really enjoy Sandra Bullock movies too. i like "While you were sleeping" a lot because it's All soft and sweet. I watch it whenever I feel low.

Pamela said...

You should track down an essay called "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" by David Foster Wallace. It's about going on a cruise and HILARIOUS. I already knew I wasn't a cruise person but that story sealed the deal. I don't like boats. We have a series of photos of me over the year with this pale, horrified face when I'm stuck on a boat (harbor cruise or vacation ferry type thing). One day I'm going to do a webpage filled with photos of my boat face.

contemplator said...

I'll do it, too. Just now found it. Whoopsy!

Kari said...

Sueellen, we visited Toronto and Ottawa. H has relatives that live there, so we have gone a few times these past years. On one visit, we saw the gold/silver olympic pairs team sale/pelteau (sorry, don't know the spelling) at a restaurant in Toronto. Pretty cool. Found that I love "beaver tails" and wish they were made in the states or traveled well.

Angela, While you were sleeping is also one of my favorite Sandra Bullock movies. When I'm doing meme's, some things never pop into my head until later. :-)

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's answers to this meme on your blog soon. Have fun.