Monday, December 18, 2006

On my Mind

Ok, so I've been thinking for a while now about religion. I know this is a subject a lot of people stray from. It is also a subject that most people are afraid to talk about for fear that their friends/family will not understand their point of view and think poorly of them for having a different opinion regarding the subject.

With all that in mind, I'm going to write about religion anyway. Love me, Hate me, Walk away from me. It's your choice. I have finally come to the point where I accept myself and I'm okay with that. :-)

I get tired of people thinking that their religion is the only one true religion. I don't consider myself an atheist, agnostic, baptist, buddhist, or any other label; but I have been looking into a number of religions. I think what gets me the most is that "Christians" (since this is probably the most prolific religion in the States) think that their religion is the "right" religion. Do they not realize that it is the youngest religion in the world? Do they not realize or remember that "Christians" incorporates other religions - Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc. Do they not realize that wars have been waged over this religion and these beliefs? They seem to think Muslims are the only ones that wage war for their religion. Wake up! Not all Muslims feel that way. Not all Christians felt that way either. Christianity is the youngest religion in the world. How can Christians feel they have the right to tell other people how to believe?

Like I said, I just don't get it. There are certain things I believe and others that I am still working through. I think it is important for each person to decide on their own what it is that makes sense to them and find out exactly what it is they believe instead of blindly following the leader of the church they happen to go to. IF you happen to believe everything your leader says, fine. I'm finding more and more that people blindly follow their leader instead of actually taking the time to think about what it is they truly believe themselves.

I believe in a Higher Power. I do not have a name for this Higher Power (I think all religions are actually praying to the same Power - they just have a different name for that Power), but I do pray and when I do, I address my prayers to God or Heavenly Father (I think more out of habit because that is how I grew up). I haven't found a name that rolls off my tongue as easily.

I do not believe in organized religion. I think it is a personal thing between you, your heart, and whichever diety you chose to follow.

I believe there will be people of all thoughts and religions in the afterlife (no matter what that life may be).

I believe Evolution. That is not to say that Evolution wasn't started by a Higher Power, but science has proven Evolution. It still requires faith to a degree even if that degree is much smaller than that to believe in Creation.

I do not consider myself a "heathen", but I'm not sure I could call myself a "Christian" either. I figure God knows my heart and mind. I've been living a happy and blessed life, so I guess I must be doing something right.

I believe all religions are fundamentally the same. They all believe in the "Golden Rule" (even if it is called by something else or has been put in different words) and they all believe in a Higher Power (even though they each have their own name for that Power).

I believe that it doesn't matter WHAT you believe. It matters THAT you belive or have faith (in what doesn't matter).

I have been leaning toward reincarnation. I don't know if that's because I can't picture Heaven, I can't fathom "God" sending people to burn in "Hell", or because I like the idea of continuing to live your life - taking different paths until you get it right.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on religion at the moment.


Manda Girl said...

I have a lot of the same thoughts on organized religion. Mostly, I think that people belong to a church and follow the words of the "leader" because they need a sense of community, of coping, and of answers to a world that makes no sense.

I never grew up with religion, it was never pushed on me and I never really was allowed to give it a chance. Ironicly, my mom asked that God (a prayer or something) be a part of our wedding ceremony and I told her that I was not a fan of using a word like "God" in a ceremony that has nothing to do with him... also Jerry is Jewish so...

I think people should be open to listening and hearing what people's beliefs and thoughts are on the subject and I applaud you for bringing it up!

Kari said...

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I agree on the marriage thing. If you've never been religious, why would you want that in a ceremony? It would just ring false to everyone who really knows you and could possibly make you both feel uncomfortable on a day that is so special.