Saturday, December 23, 2006

Soda...Shaken not stirred

By the title alone, I can tell you I've lived with H way too long (he's from the north). I used to call carbonated beverages of any kind Coke. Of course, there was always the follow up question - What kind?

Back to the reason I'm writing today. With all the fun I had with K yesterday, I thought you would all enjoy this story....

He wanted a soda, so he went to H and asked him for one. H got it out of the fridge and the ENTIRE time K was bringing the drink to me to open, he was...wait for it...shaking it up while saying "shake you money"! Where he got that phrase I don't know unless it was from his grandpa (K usually takes all the tips off the tables after the people leave). Anyway, when I told him to stop, he started shaking it faster. Little dork. Luckily, I learned a long time ago that if you tap the top on the "screw" thing, it settles the liquid and it doesn't explode. Thank goodness for that. I did not cause a huge mess in my in-laws restaurant because of K. Crazy kid.

Thought you would enjoy that. I'm trying my best to keep to "real" posts instead of fluff stuff like online quizes (memes I don't mind so much because they show you a little part of me). I've also done a good job posting something each day this month. Gotta say, it's not quite as bad as I expected, but some days I don't know what to say until close to the time I've posted it. I'm getting better, but hang in there. I'll become a better writer soon.


angela said...

I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip.
Wishing you love and happiness at Christmas,

My Pugs Blogger said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!