Sunday, December 10, 2006

Butt Chappiness

We were at a Chinese restaurant tonight (just got home). Fortune cookies aren't like they used to be. They no longer tell the future or even attempt to tell the future. My friend read her fortune and she read "you will have butt chappiness for the rest of the year." I swear that's what I heard. In actuality, her fortune read, "you will have much happiness for the rest of the year." So, I guess my husband is right and I need to get my hearing tested. Gotta say, though, I think I enjoyed her fortune more than she did. :-)

H asked me today what I had planned for this week. I told him I'm doing lunch with a friend on Tuesday then I have my first ABLEs meeting Thursday night. He asked what I had planned for Friday (my birthday) and I told him nothing yet. He then asked if I wanted to see a movie. Knowing I don't have a job, I said it would be too expensive and we should wait and go Saturday to a matinee. He said we could see a matinee on Friday. SURPRISE! He took Friday off to spend with me. Isn't that sweet?

This week, I am planning on cleaning the house and finally getting things in order. I've put that off for far too long. Anyway, I have 4 rooms I want to paint and another 2 that I have a few touch up things to do. Maybe if I get everything done that I want to this week, H and I will paint on Friday. I would love to finally have this house in order and the rooms painted the colors I've been wanting. This is what we have and what I want to change it to:
TV Room - currently burgundy, want Navy blue
Large Bathroom - currently green, want Navy Blue
Kitchen - currently beige with 1 purple wall, want seafoam green
Bedroom - currently alternating stripes of lavendar/dk purple, want seafoam green

So...let's see what all we can get accomplished this week. Wish me luck and productivity.


an9ie said...

Interesting colours! Do post some photos if you feel like it :)

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh out loud. Definitely needed the giggle on a Monday morning. I love your abbreviations 'Guide of Characters' on your sidebar and may have to do something similar on mine! Great idea :)