Monday, January 29, 2007

Today's Action

~Today has been a pretty slow day. I love Monday mornings at work because we have a staff meeting which gets you going and ready for the week. This afternoon, however, went as slow as it possibly could. H and I will be going to Wally World (Wal-Mart) tonight. We need to pick up some groceries. There are things that I want to pick up in order to have healthy foods around the house for me to eat while I’m doing this Weight Watcher thing (WW).

In regards to working out, I think I’m going to start that next week. I need to stop by the Rec Center and pay $20 for a punch card for 26 classes. I also want to see if they can assign me a locker where I can bring a lock and not have to worry about someone going through my things. I know that this will probably be available for a small charge, but I think it’s worth it so I’m not worrying about my purse, wallet, or keys the whole time I’m there. On Wednesday (H’s payday), I will also pay for H to have a year to work out at the Rec Center as well, so I thought I’d do all my stuff there that day, too.

Tomorrow, I’m going to get my allergy shots during lunch. Those are always a lot of fun. They stick me three times with all the wonderful things I’m allergic to in order to build up my resistance to those bad boys. I’ll itch for about an hour afterwards in the locations of the shots (on my arms), then I’ll be fine. Not too big a price to pay in order to be able to breathe pretty freely for a week.

After work tomorrow, I’ll be going to my first Weight Watcher meeting (WWM). I’m looking forward to it. I want to see how this one goes. Next week, I’ll go to the meeting on Thursday night. I will then choose between the two to see which I like better and that will become my meeting with the other night becoming my yoga night. I’m excited. I can get all this figured out so I can start working out 3 nights a week pretty much from the start. Next week, I’m going to do the Monday/Wednesday low impact aerobics and skip the yoga until I know which day I’ll be going. I’m also pretty sure that I’m going to be tired and sore the first week doing the aerobics, so it’ll give me a week to get used to that exercise before I start the yoga.

Exercising is my downfall. I hate it. I can’t seem to work it into my schedule. I’m always tired after work and don’t want to do anything but go home and crash. The Rec Center will be much better for me and I know it. I just want to keep it up because I really want to lose this weight.
1 whole wheat mini-bagel (2 points)
2 tacos (9 points)
48 pretzel sticks (2 points)
1 packet of pears (2 points)
1 pork chop (9 points)
1 can sliced beets (0 points)
1 fat free yogurt (2 pts)

6 glasses of water (they only say to have 6 – woohoo)
2 cans diet soda

1 comment:

Manda Girl said...

Exercising is my downfall too. We even purchased a home gym (well, Jerry works out 3-4 times a week) and I can't seem to get myself to use that either. I tried it for a couple of months, hated every minute of it and didn't lose a pound (I didn't change my eating habits though) so I gave up. I think in a group environment (like the rec centre) it should be more motivating. Plus, you don't have to go anywhere - it's right at work!