Sunday, October 02, 2005

Thoughts dated 6/6/05 (Philosophy Class)

The world is full of fear. Parents pass on their fears to their children. Is it the world that’s full of fear or just the western culture and civilization that is full of fear? The Asians seem to be more at peace with themselves and the world around them. They live healthier lifestyles and they age more gracefully. Speaking of the world being full of fear…my mom is worried that I am going to turn away from Christian religion because I am married to a Laotian whose parents are (for the most part) non-practicing Buddhists and because I am taking this class.

Does she not realize I’m in my mid-thirties? Does she not realize that I have questioned our “religion” my entire life and that I have always thought there was more to life than just religion? Who’s to say any one religion is right anyway? Don’t people realize all religions are basically the same at the foundation but they have different names for their deities and “rules”? Why can’t people realize that it isn’t what you believe that matters? The most important thing is that you believe period. For the past few years, I have been trying to figure out exactly who I am and what I believe. I am slowly putting aside the fears I have that I have gotten from my family and learning to accept myself and my family for the individuals we all are. It’s hard to realize that your parents are just people trying to do their best just like everyone else.

I really like Siddhartha so far. His journey and quest reminds me of my own. He’s questioning his faith, his parents, his friendships, and himself. He feels that there is something more to life than what he has ever known or been told. I am finding that family is most important and realizing that each person is their own individual that has flaws and their own way of doing things and looking at things. What’s right for one person is not necessarily right for another person even in a family.

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