Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Daily exercise and food

Well, today I had a presentation to give. I think it went pretty well. One thing that is surprising me is that I have not been stressing over my presentations this semester. I haven't even been practicing them, but I have done well on them. I got a 98 on the group one I did earlier where the one guy didn't do anything. I also got a 76 on the midterm for that same class.

Walked 1 1/2 laps (6.5 = 1 mile)
Jogged 1 1/2 laps
Biked cool down for 1 mile
Biked "fit test" at level 2 for 1.5 - 2 miles
50 crunches

1 pkg oatmeal
1 snack pack fig newtons
1 (lc) chicken alfredo florentine
1 serving peanuts
1 serving cottage cheese
1 serving fruit
2 slimfast cookie bars
1 100 cal snack pack wheat thins
1 cup V8
1 cup milk
64 ounces water
20 ounces cherry coke

So far things are going well. I haven't been hungry, I haven't been hurting from the exercise. I guess taking a few advil before going to bed really helps. Who knew?

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