Friday, November 16, 2007

Singing a Lullaby

In my “Happy Hump Day” post, I forgot to mention the best thing that happened last week…


I was holding K2 trying to get her to go to sleep because she was tired. I walked in the other room with her, patted her butt, rocked her in my arms, and started humming Brahms’ Lullaby. She did the absolute cutest thing. Keep in mind that I have been humming this song to her since her birthday this past July. I also hummed this to K when he was little.


She looked up at me with wide eyes and was trying to sing it back to me. It was soooo cute and soooo sweet. H heard her from the other room and knew that I was humming to her. When he came in to look at us, H had tears in his eyes. When I was thinking about this later that night and the next day, I started tearing up as well.


K never did that. When K got a little older, he didn’t want to come to me because he knew I’d hum to him and he’d fall asleep. That was also cute and funny, but K2 apparently loves music and loves to be talked to. Even when you simply talk to her, she will look up at you, smile, and try to talk back to you. Such a sweetie. I can’t wait to see how her personality develops and find out what types of things she enjoys and likes.


Until later…


Bill C said...

That is pretty cool. So very much to look forward to as they grow, both for them and "us." A true gift.

mama biscuit said...

That's sweet. Kids are good for the soul!