Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

I can't tell you the last time I actually decorated MY house for Christmas. It was probably the year before we got Dickens...he became part of our family in 1999. I know! That's just terrible isn't it? No wonder I really haven't had the Christmas spirit the past few years. Christmas has also been demoted from my favorite holiday. That's just sad.

After posting about what I would get family members for Christmas, I actually went to Wally World during my lunch break. I was surprised at how quickly the holiday spirit returns when you've unexpectedly found THE PERFECT gift for someone.

I said earlier that Grandpa is the hardest person to shop for. It's terrible, but I really don't know what he enjoys. While walking in Wal-mart, I see the movie "The Magnificent Seven" (the original of course). Right next to it, I see "The Return of the Magnificent Seven" with Yul Brenner. Grandpa LOVES westerns. I know this without a doubt. I also saw a three pack of Clint Eastwood movies. Grandpa will be opening all three of them at Christmas this year.

While still at Wally World, I found an ESPN special on Dale Earnhardt as "The Greatest Athlete." He was my Grandma's favorite driver. She will be opening that up for Christmas with a box of See's "Soft Centers."

While typing this out, I realized the perfect gift for my dad - See's "Dark Chocolates." How many times do we send candy to the women in our lives? I think the men in our lives would appreciate it as well. Dad loves dark chocolate; mom hates it. Dad can enjoy his dark chocolate without mom being tempted to eat any and dad will know that I thought specifically of him. It's a win, win situation for me. WooHoo!

Until later...

1 comment:

Nerevised said...

I never decorate for christmas either. By the way, what IS your favourite festive event, if it is no longer christmas?