Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Things on my Mind...

Okay, so a lot is going through my mind right now. The first thing on my mind is about Britney Spears and the fact that she has to give up custody of her children to Kevin Federline. At first, I was thinking how bad of a parent must she be that Kevin would be the preferred parent of choice by a court. Then I got to thinking how terrible it was that I was prejudging Kevin and his parenting skills. I hate it for Britney that she is on this downward spiral. I know that once you get spiraling, it can get out of control real fast and you feel as though your world will NEVER be right again. I just hope she gets her life together so she can be a good mom to those boys.

I’m kind of drawing a blank right now regarding all the other things going through my head. I’ve been reading a few fiction books that deal with the Templar Knights and I have to say that I am finding it all very interesting. The last book I read (just finished it this past weekend actually) The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry mentioned a few of the things that I have been struggling with when it comes to religion. What I read makes perfect sense to me. It actually even hit a few of the problems that I have with organized religion in general. It’s amazing to know that I’m not the only one that struggles with some of those thoughts (obviously someone else has thought of them, too, or they wouldn’t have ended up in the book).

I talked with my mom today. She has now lost a total of 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Woohoo! That’s fantastic. I am so glad for her and proud of her. She’s got a long way to go, so it’s great that she’s getting a good start.

She asked if we were going to come up for Christmas this year. I told her probably not since we spend Thanksgiving with them and we like to be here for K and now K2 for Christmas since we have no kids of our own and G has taken his kids to live in CA. Mom said that they would like to have us for Christmas sometimes and I told her that I was sure H’s family would like to have us for Thanksgiving sometimes. She said we could switch it up. I then had to remind her that besides wanting to spend Christmas with K and K2 since my brother has moved his family back to CA was the fact that we never know what type of weather we are going to encounter on our way up there. One year it took us 8 ½ hours to make a 3 ½ hour trip. That was the LAST time we went up there that late in the year. Of course, I mentioned that they are more than welcome to come down here and spend Christmas with us. She said that we would end up going to H’s family’s house for a few hours and they really wanted to spend it with us (but she doesn’t want to go over to their house because she doesn’t know them and isn’t considered part of their family). Whatever! I reminded her that they came down 2 years ago for Christmas but left 2 days before Christmas. She said one of the reasons they left was because we were going to spend Christmas day with H’s family. If I’m not important enough for her to spend Christmas with me when they said they would (after I had everything planned and spent money to make it special for them) then they can live with my not being there for Christmas. G and his family won’t be there.

Okay, so I went to my WWAWP today. Here’s something I don’t understand. According to my scales (when I weigh first thing in the morning after emptying my bladder) I have lost 17 pounds. WooHoo, right? Sadly, when I weigh at the WWAWP meeting, their scales show I have only lost 8 pounds (I gained .4 pounds this week – seeing as how this is my time of the month, I can live with that because I know I made a LOT of healthier choices this week). I decided I was going to see how far off my scales are at 5:30 when I got home from my WWAWP meeting today. Get this, my scales are off by less than 1 pound. Somehow from morning to afternoon, I gain weight. I guess it could be water retention, but it seems like a lot of weight for it to all be water. The thing is, I tested it today and my scales are right. I guess one of these days the afternoon me will catch up to the morning me. God! I can’t wait for that to happen.

I definitely need to keep from getting discouraged after this week. I did make quite a few healthier choices this week. There were times that I REALLY wanted chocolate or fast food, but I was really good and bought healthy foods and salads instead. I wonder if drinking more water will help me lose the extra pounds I find throughout the day. I guess it can’t hurt. I usually drink 4-6 glasses of water. I need to up my water in take this week and see if that makes a difference in my afternoon weight. I guess that means that I will be getting a medium diet coke with my lunch every day instead of a large. HMMM, is that a choice I’m willing to make? Maybe I should limit my coffee in the mornings, too. I’ve heard that caffeine makes you retain water. I guess I may need to limit my caffeine. I could test this theory for a week and see if it makes a difference for me. If it doesn’t, I can always go back to caffeine. Am I willing to make this choice? I’m not sure. Will it be a healthier choice for my body? Absolutely! Have I decided that I will make healthier choices? Yeah – I know where you’re going with this. More water and less caffeine equals a healthier body. Since I have said I want to be healthier and make healthier choices, logic would dictate that I need to add water and lower my caffeine. Damn! I hate that I’m so smart and realize that I need to make a change I really don’t want to make. I will make the choice to lower my caffeine intake this week and add more water to my system. Damn it!

Until later...

1 comment:

Manda Girl said...

That can't be easy to try and convince your parents about holidays and such. We have been thinking about moving away from our city and thoughts like that always come up....

I'm glad things are still going well with WW - and yes, afternoons are much different from morning weigh-in's! Keep up the good work!!