Friday, October 05, 2007

Deep Thoughts (Part I)

I've been thinking about this stuff for the past few years, but today a few things clicked and I was actually able to put my thoughts into a few words. This is what I have currently come up with. As I'm able to more of my thoughts into words, you will see those here as well. Please bear with me as I bear my soul and innermost thoughts.

What’s my...Label?

You Are Agnostic

God? Religion? Maybe... you're just not sure.
You're still figuring out your spiritual path... or figuring out you really don't care.
You believe that no one really can know the true story about religion or God.
So you might as well relax a little. You'll go crazy trying make sense of it all.

*Interesting. I really have been trying to figure out my spiritual path for the past few years. If history is written by the winners (and we all know it is), can we really believe anything we read in a book – in ANY book? How can any ONE religion be the right religion? Christianity is the youngest religion in the world. If that is the one true religion, does that mean that everyone who was on this earth before that time is burning in hell? I find that EXTREMELY hard to believe.

I have been trying to figure out my “religious label” for the past few years along with figuring out exactly what it is I believe not what I have been taught to believe. What is my label? Do I really NEED a label? It seems that I must since I keep searching for one that fits what’s been going through my mind but also makes sense and feels comfortable, too.

Do I believe in God? I believe in a higher power whether that Power is named God, Goddess, Buddha, Mohammed, Jehovah, whatever.

Do I believe the Bible is THE word of God? Not really. Does that doom me to an afterlife in hell? As I mentioned earlier, history is written by the winners. King James was a man, a winner, and a king. Who’s to say that the people that translated the Bible into the “King James’ Version” of the Bible didn’t change things in order to please the king? Who’s to say that passages, chapters, or whole books weren’t left out of the original work (does the First Council of Nicaea ring any bells?).

Do I believe that EVERY word in the Bible came directly from God? I really don’t know.
Do I believe that EVERY story in the Bible is literal (except the parables)? Who’s to say that the majority of the stories are not simply parables used to teach valuable lessons? I agree that the Bible teaches many valuable lessons and helps people make sound moral choices and helps them live better lives, but don’t other religions do the exact same thing?

If Christianity is the ONLY true religion, which branch of Christianity is right? Catholic, Church of Christ, Baptist, Methodist, etc.? Which is right? I said it before… How can the youngest religion in the world be the ONLY true religion?

To help me get to the bottom of some of my thoughts and issues regarding religion and beliefs, I have been thinking about majoring in philosophy. Again, that's something else that's been on my mind lately.

Until later...

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