Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Update on Mom

OK, so I guess Mom is still upset with me over Thanksgiving. As I said in Saturday's post, Mom didn't answer her phone when I called (she knows it was me, she has a different ringtone for me that she said she loves). Maybe the phone was in another room, I don't know. What I do know is that I decided Saturday because of that that I wasn't going to call her until she called me. I haven't heard a peep out of her since Thanksgiving.

I think she is at her wits end. She thought I would be the one to be at her beck and call, so she never paid attention to me and I was the "bad egg". Now that I'm doing what Bro has been doing for years, I think she's stumped and confused. I don't know. I can't begin to understand how she thinks or why she acts the way she does. Anyhow...just wanted to update ya.

1 comment:

contemplator said...

Let her be upset. I walked away from my mother for a long time. It changed her outlook. She's still ridiculous, but she's not destructive. And even if she hadn't changed her outlook, it would've been worth it to never have to go around her again.

My mom's "perfect" daughter, my sister, has recently gotten fed up with her and didn't come in on Thanksgiving. That's really throwing Mom for a loop.

I spent my T-giving dodging her when possible and heading outside with my son.