Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thank a Vet!

If you voted on Tuesday, November 7 (or even if you didn't - it's your right to do with as you choose), thank a vet. It is because of them that we have the right to vote.

I thought of this while I was in line tonight to vote. I first of all thanked my husband (and yes, I did get a few tears in my eyes while I did it). A few minutes later, I called my dad and thanked him as well.

I don't know what it is, but every time I hear the "National Anthem" or think about the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted, I choke up and get tears in my eyes. Does that make me sentimental or patriotic? I don't know which it is, maybe a little bit of both, but I do know that we take everything for granted and we need to take a few minutes to stop and think about those that fought, won, shed their blood, and died so we can enjoy the freedoms we have and take for granted. Thank a vet or two.

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