Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today's News

Thanks so much to all who have been leaving comments. I love reading them. Your support through everything is very much appreciated.

Ok, on to today, well...let's start with yesterday. I put my application in at the local college (my alma mater) for two secretarial positions. One is in the department of English and the other is in the Alumni Association. In order to be considered for these positions, I have to go to a testing location and take tests for Word 2000, Excel 2000, proofreading, data entry, and spelling. I'm not too worried about these. I took the exact same tests about 5 years ago for a position there before starting school and I passed them. As a matter of fact, I think I would have had the job except they ended up without the funding so they did away with the position. All through college, I had an "employee" section on my website, so I consider that a good omen that the job was mine. If I passed those tests all those years ago, there's no way I'll do poorly on them now. I type faster and I have more experience now with Word and Excel. Still...wish me luck, won't you?

So, in order to get ready for the tests tomorrow, I got my nails declawed today. Now they won't be slowing down my typing.

Still haven't heard anything from mom. They'll be in town to catch a flight on Saturday. They're taking a 2-week cruise around Hawaii for their 40th anniversary. They should really enjoy it. We're supposed to meet them for dinner that night. Let's see how that goes.

I think what ticks me off and hurts me the most with my mom is that I feel like I have been taken for granted. I have been there for every holiday (except Christmas) for the past 11 years. This includes minor holidays. Has my brother been there? NO! Even when he lived 3 hours away (the same distance I live from my folks). Somehow, I made it to their house, he never did. I don't show up for my mom's birthday one year (just one - and I had seen her two weeks before, gave her gift to her, and was seeing her the very next weekend) and I become the bad child. Yet the one that is known for spending Mother's Day with his girlfriend's family while he was in high school can do no wrong. You know, I didn't just become the bad child. I've always felt that way when it comes to my family. Maybe it's because I don't believe religiously the same way they do. Maybe they think I' know what? I have no idea what they think or how they feel, I only know how I feel and this whole situation is just making me tired.

We had a GREAT Thanksgiving with Hubby's family and we always spend Christmas with them. I think we've got a new place to go each year for Thanksgiving. I love the Kobester. And I'm so tired of feeling out of place with my family. Why shouldn't we have Thanksgiving with his family each year? Hell, my own parents couldn't stick around last year until Christmas Day after all the planning I did. I think it's time I start holding on to "my family". Those that I choose as my family not those related by blood. I think that will make the most sense for me and make me the happiest in the present and the future, so that's the plan for now. Which is not to say that I won't still need to vent once in a while because of my blood relations. :-)

1 comment:

contemplator said...

I have always loved the concept that family is what you make it. I have a very close little wonderful family that way, with a mother, an extra soul-sister, and so on. And we genuinely love each other and look out for each other. Once I got over the guilt of feeling like I was deserting my real family I felt much better.