Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy Hump Day!!

Last night was weigh in. I gained .6 pounds. I'm not beating myself up over it. I did everything right. I even had a few points left over. It's just one of those things.

Things I'm happy about this week:
1. I got on my elliptical 6 days out of the last 7! Woohoo!
2. Last night I did 200 steps (I had problems with my knee all day yesterday so I didn't want to push to the next 50)
3. I've gotten a LOT of great information, inspiration, and motivation from SparkPeople and SparkTeams!
4. I was finally motivated to exercise which is something I've been struggling with and unable to do since August of last year.

I'm debating about quitting my Weight Watcher At Work Program. Don't get me wrong, I'm still planning on losing weight and eating healthier. It's just that for the "at work" program, I have to pay for a 10 week session at the beginning (or in two payments). I've also found that I've gotten more motivation from SparkPeople than I have at my meetings each week. SparkPeople has also helped me get motivated to exercise (which y'all KNOW I've been struggling with THAT!). I never would have considered myself to be competitive, even though EVERYone in my family is, but it's interesting to see how much motivation I get from receiving a point or being able to check a box at the end of the day.

What are your thoughts on this? Until later, my bloggy friends...


Manda Girl said...

I think you should do what challenges you most and what you are most comfortable with. You have learned a lot from WW and you can take that on a go forward basis. Good luck!

mama biscuit said...

I think Manda's right, do what works best for you!

By the way, I'm all about getting to check things off. I've been thinking about WW lately, I think it would do me good to have some structure. I was doing so well right up until I got pregnant. I haven't gained anything back, but I'm not losing anymore.

You're an inspiration chicky :)