Friday, July 06, 2007

Sick of Ignorant People (2 examples)...

"I applaud Kroger for taking a stand, and for refusing to allow a group like GLBT dictate policy. There's just a limit on how much the rest of us should have to tolerate being forced on us. PLEASE go somewhere else to shop! Surely you don't think that this store is hurting that much for your alleged total. I don't believe the receipts either, and I think that to insinuate that they're a legitimate show of hurt on this store says even more than just their whining and complaining. Just drop it! You pride yourselves on being "out", take a hint: you're now really out of the store. Just please STAY OUT!"

This was seen on a local paper's website after Kroger banned the free publication Out and About from its news stands. I am so tired of the ignorance of people. Good gosh! Get a life. People are people. However they choose to live their lives is no one's business but theirs. I love how this gentleman talks about how there's a "limit on how much the rest of us should have to tolerate being forced on us" when in reality, he's trying to force his choices and religious beliefs on others himself. Of course, he doesn't see it that way, but that's what he's really doing. Get real! And who says I'm in his part of "the rest of us"; did he not stop to think that he may just be in the minority? The publication was FREE! No one has to pick it up. It's your choice. Kroger took it out of its stands because it "pushes" an agenda. What about all the other publications that are at Kroger free for the taking? They each have their own agendas as well. The kicker in this whole thing is that Out and About has no graphic materials in it and does not let sex sites or anything like that even advertise in its magazine. No condom ads. Nothing like that. So what if it tells you when the next Gay Pride Parade is or where it's to be located. Don't people realize this is a genetic trait? They are not going to "catch" the gay gene. Just as some people cannot imagine being anything but heterosexual because that's the way they are and were born; others cannot imagine being anything but homosexual because that's the way they are and were born. Get a life, People! Grow up and Chill Out!

"Apparently, the GLBT have proved that they do not want to assimilate; they want to dominate policy. I never noticed any members of the GLBT shopping at Kroger or any other place for that matter. If they choose to shop elsewhere, it is fine with me because I now shop exclusively at Kroger stores."

This guy acts as though the members of the GLBT look different from every other human on the face of the planet. "I never noticed any members of the GLBT shoppign at Kroger or any other place for that matter." WTF? Um...they do have to shop somewhere. Maybe they're walking next to you and you don't even know it. Careful, you don't know who's behiind you in line. "Assimilate"...what does he think humanity is...the Borg? Whatever!

As far as I'm concerned, Kroger should not have pulled the publication if it isn't going to pull every other publication with any sort of "agenda" since that is the reasoning they gave. Stupid ass ignorant people. Can you tell this whole situation gets on my nerves? :-)

As long as there are people on this earth, there are going to be stupid ass people that are ignorant and intolerant of others. I don't get it. I get so frustrated with people. They want everyone to give them the benefit of the doubt; let them believe the way they want; push their thoughts, philosophies and beliefs on others with no consideration or thought that some people may not think or feel the same way they do; but in their minds, others don't deserve the freedom of having their own thoughts and beliefs. It's ridiculous!

*By the way, I've been wanting to post this for a few weeks now, but just haven't for one reason or another. Sorry about that. I was debating on whether to put this on this blog or my Quest 4 Enlightenment blog which I haven't updated since the original 3 entries. This post could go over there just as easily since it is dealing with my thoughts on philosophy and living in general. Anyway, I put it here.
**For some reason, blogger wouldn't let me publish my title in the title bar, so I improvised and made it my first sentence. :-)

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