Friday, January 18, 2008

For the Record...

You know, my parents keep telling me I have so much more potential. In all honesty, I am smart enough to do anything I choose to do. I know this. I graduated with honors, so I'm no slouch (even though I rarely read any of the material needed for my classes - if I graduated with honors without really reading the materials, maybe I'm smarter than even I think I am. haha) and I'm no dummy.

I love secretarial work. I always have. This is what I have wanted to do since graduating from high school. Even though I could do so much more, it isn't that I don't have the gumption or ambition to do more. I happen to love the fact that my job is 9-5 (now it's actually 8-4:30 so it's even better). I love the fact that I DON'T have to manage people. That means that I don't have to put up with their excuses or attitudes. I love the fact that I can leave my work at work when I go home. I have plenty of family/free time to spend any way I want without having to think about the office. I should be using some of this time to keep my housework up, but there are days (okay weeks) when I choose not to. :-) That's a whole different story.

I used to be a manager and was constantly under stress and pressure from higher ups (so much so that I was frequently sick and dreaded going to work in the morning). In secretarial work, I don't have that stress or, at least, no where near the degree I used to. I no longer dread going to work in the morning.

This doesn't mean that I have no ambition. To me, it means that I have chosen to put my family and my health above the size of my paycheck. I can live with that. My husband can live with that. He has a MUCH happier wife when he gets home from work each day. To me, my health, family, state of mind, and relationships are much more important to me than the size of my paycheck. H and I make enough to live comfortably without many worries. So why add unneccessary stress to my life when I really don't have to?

What are your thoughts about this?
Until later...


Miranda said...

I too could have a more demanding, higher paying, big time job if I wanted to. But I don't want it either. You have a job so you can live your life. A job isn't your life.

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to see someone that thinks like I do. I was a supervisor for many years and it stressed me out. When I was offered this new position as HR Administrative Assistant I was thrilled. I actually make more money when you consider that I don't work OT any longer, I am happier going and coming from work and I truly enjoy what I am doing.

Lia said...

Wow, what a healthy attitude to the life-work balance. Of course, it helps that financially you can manage with this choice, but I bet you would make it work no matter what.
My job has its stress, but one of the reasons I'm still doing it is because I can go home at the end of the day and leave things behind at the office. It's a great quality-of-life blessing.

Nevis said...

Amen! I know exactly what you mean. When I lived in Los long-hours type of job in the insurance business where I had employees under me and TONS of stress. When I moved to Alabama there were not jobs like that here. It's not the market. So even though I have two degrees and used to be making a lot more money, I took a simple assistant position at a TV network because it sounded fun. And it is. I enjoy the people, the work is fun and there is little stress. I get home and I'm happy and I have time to spend with my fiance, I cook dinner and go on walks with my pugs. I have a great life and I love it SOOO much more than my last supposedly "great" job. There are some benefits that aren't qualifiable in a paycheck.