Friday, September 14, 2007

Homosexuals can be changed?

This is such ridiculous BUNK! On one of the online news channels I look at each day, they have a poll. Today’s poll is “Do you think someone can change their sexual preference through prayer and counseling?”

The fact that this question ended up on a poll doesn’t surprise me. Hell! This is the Bible Belt after all. What surprised me were the responses of the people.

Do you think someone can change their sexual preference through prayer and counseling?
Choice Votes Percentage of 92 Votes
Yes 38 41%

No 54 59%

Of course, the reason this poll is online today is because there is supposedly a study done by ministers that shows that SOME people can be changed. What a bunch of hogwash!

Here is the link if you want to read the story for yourself. Hello! They have only followed these people for three years. Hell! For five years I was in a marriage that had never been consummated, but no one knew that. I successfully hid that fact and the fact that I was miserable the entire time. Follow these people for ten to fifteen years, then tell us your conclusions. As it stands, only one-third of the people would be considered success stories (which is why they state that SOME can be changed). Whatever!

Personally, I think it’s a gene you’re born with and can’t be changed. I’ve even read an article on one of my news sites a few months ago where a preacher stated he believed it was genetic due to the overwhelming evidence. This gentleman was all for screening DNA of unborn children so they could take out the “gay” gene so the child would be heterosexual. In essence, he’s telling people that God made a mistake but man can fix it. HA!

I can understand the gentleman saying he is “a much more content person now” because he lives in the Bible Belt. People weren’t going to leave him alone until he did/said what they wanted him to. Now that he has “changed” there’s no reason for them to give him a hard time. Anyone would be more content to be left alone. Duh!

*Sadly, my parents and brother would agree with this study. They may even think more than 1/3 could actually be changed. No wonder I don't fit in with them. Honestly, I'm kind of glad I don't. It's just a lonely place to be sometimes. I can completely relate to the gentleman wanting to be a "much more content person now" but that sentiment will NEVER make me want to be like them enough to hide what I believe and change who I am. I did that for almost 30 years and I am now happy and at peace with who I am, what I believe, and the fact that my family will never fully understand or accept me.

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest as soon as I saw it.

Until later...

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