Thursday, June 21, 2007

Update on Everything

Things have been going pretty well. I had a massively huge bad night on Tuesday. I was just mean and angry. I heard myself, but had no way to stop it and couldn’t even tell you where it all came from. Later that night, I realized that I was still hurt by something that happened in March, and I cried my eyes out. I had no clue that was still bothering me after all this time.

Anyway, the DAM has been going pretty well. I’ve heard that taking a new DAM can make your symptoms worse before they get better. Because of this, I don’t know if Tuesday was because of the meds or if they actually helped keep me in check on Tuesday and I would have been worse without them. I am curious about that. I have been having some constipation (I know you REALLY wanted to know that) due to the meds, but other than that, everything is fine. I’m still having a problem getting to sleep without taking Melatonin, but again, I don’t know if that’s because of the meds or just normal for me now (I’ve been struggling with sleep for quite some time and it comes and goes). So I will probably never really know if my problem is the meds or not.

Work’s going great! Having a few issues with SUB, but that could just be my anxiety reading in problems where they don’t exist. She just went to lunch with another girl in the office (they go out together quite frequently). I’m never asked to go, so I wonder if SUB will start asking me to go when this other girl quits (she’s moving out of state sometime in August). Oh well, people in those positions routinely move on in two to three years and people in my position tend to hang around forever, so I’m going to try and not let her lack of response or friendliness bother me. I even sent her a cute email the other day thinking she might need a little cheering and I know she loves animals. I never got a response, a confirmation, or a word about it. Does she think I’m “stalking” her because I only sent it to her? I know she loves animals. She pays money to a zoo. I thought she was having a bad day. I even asked her earlier that day if everything was all right. She gave me a snippy retort so when I saw the picture, I sent it to her. Excuse me for thinking of your feelings!

Wow! I guess that really bothered me.

H and I play WoW. We have a great time. I made a new character last night. I named her “NunyaBizness”. I love that name! It cracked me up to make her. I was called a dork by one of the girls we play with. I can live with that.

I hope you’re all having a good day.

Until later…

1 comment:

Manda Girl said...

It's amazing how things can build up like that and then slam you when you least expect it. Sounds like things are coming along though - head up!

PS - That chick doesn't know what she's missing by not letting you in to be friends. Seriously. I means ALOT that you were considerate enough to do that for her.