Saturday, April 12, 2008

Problem with K2

K2 was rushed to the hospital last night by ambulance. All is well, so do not worry. She is now home and fine. The poor little thing is only 9 months old.

We received a phone call about 8 last night saying that K2 had been taken to the hospital by ambulance because she had a seizure and her daddy went with her. We heard her screaming in the background. The conversation was in Laotian, but even I KNEW something wasn't right so I was getting myself ready to leave as soon as H got off the phone. They needed us to pick up Mommy and K and take them to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, she was crying but no longer screaming. While we were there, they had to prick her heel to get blood for testing. Poor thing did NOT like that AT ALL. I went to her and smoothed the hair on her head while they were taking blood. I also made soothing sounds to her and she stopped crying (after a while) while they were drawing blood. After they left, I hummed Brahm's Lullaby and she actually fell asleep. She even slept through the buzzing of the machine when her IV drip was done. They came in, refilled it, and left while she slept through the whole thing.

At that point, we didn't know how long before the doctor came in and released her or told us what was wrong. We took K into the waiting room so he wouldn't have to be still, wouldn't get in the way, and wouldn't have to be quiet.

We were finally able to leave the hospital around midnight. K2 has pneumonia. She had the seizure because her temperature got too high. Poor little thing. She is now at home with prescriptions to help get rid of the infection and keep her temperature out of the danger zone.

Needless to say, I cried in the car all the way to the hospital. I think of her and K as our kids. H does as well. They are the closest we will EVER have to children of our own. We can't help that. These are the niece and nephew that live closest to us. We see them almost every weekend. They will know us as they grow up. We will always be there for them. We can't do that for my brother's children because they live on the other side of the country. I don't know that they will ever want us to be part of their lives.

Anyway, I'm tired as hell today. We didn't get home until after 1 this morning, but I don't regret a minute of it. I'll be there every time they call. And they know it.


mama biscuit said...

Poor thing. Poor you. I'm sure that was traumatic. I'm glad to hear it was just a fever seizure. She should start feeling better real soon.

Get some rest!


Manda Girl said...

Yikes - that sounds very scary - I can imagine why you were upset. I'm glad they know what happened and she will be better soon.


Karin said...

Those fever seizures are scary as hell, they will need to keep an eye on her whenever she gets sick for the next couple of years and if she is getting warm to put cool compresses on her to keep her fever from rising to quickly. I am glad though that all is ok and she is getting better. I am glad that you could be there for them, I am sure they are so glad that they have you around too.

Nevis said...

Hopefully it was just a fever seizure, but if it turns out she has Epiliepsy - its not the end of the world. I have Epilepsy and it's completely possible to have a full, wonderful and enriching life!!!

Nevis said...

What server are you on in WOW? I'm on Shadow Council.

I'm a Blood Elf Mage (hoard) - LOVE the game!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I am so glad she's ok! I would give millions for my kids to have someone like you in their lives. My sister has never seen Things one thru four. Hope you get some rest tonight!