Friday, April 04, 2008


I must have the PERFECT hairstyle for my face and weight right now. Why? I'm glad you asked. I'll be happy to tell you. EVERY.SINGLE. PERSON in my office complimented me on my hair today. That has NEVER happened. Even SUB said it was really cute. WooHoo! I guess that means I'll have to post before and after photos (actually, that means I need to figure out how to do that) so y'all can see.

She (meaning the hairdresser) called the hairstyle the "Paige Davis" - you know, from Trading Spaces. I showed her a bunch of pictures from hairstyle magazines and noticed that every picture was actually the same hairstyle just tweaked one way or another. I told her exactly what I was looking for in a hairstyle and she said she could put her own spin on the "Paige Davis" to make it perfect for me. I have to say; though, last night I Googled Paige Davis and my hair looks SOOO much BETTER than hers. :-)

I've found my new hair cut. Neener Neener Neener!! Even MIO complimented me - of course, he did it after everyone else, but by the look on his face, he noticed when he first walked in the door. I think he felt uncomfortable saying anything in case it wasn't PC. WooHoo! I must be looking C-U-T-E!!

I guess I'm definitely going to have to give in and post pictures of myself. I want NO bad things said when I do (that's one reason I haven't posted pictures before now - that and the fact that I don't know how). :-)

Have a great weekend. TGIF!! Until later...


Manda Girl said...

I hope we get to see it!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to post pics so I can say really bad things about you!! ;)

I bet you look great and it's the best feeling when you get a new haircut and you actually LOVE it!! YAY!!

Have a great weekend!!

~Vicki (

Emotional Mullet said...

Having a great haircut is the best! Yay! ; )

Trudi said...

Congrats!!! Posting the pictures is a lot easier than you think it will be. Having a new do is the best!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Um... waiting.... Which Paige Davis cut? The short one or when she was growing it out a bit? I am wearing Finola Hughes style now-- and I love it (although it takes more time which I didn't have).
I'm glad you got a great cut!

mama biscuit said...

If anyone says bad things, you tell me and I'll kick their ass. LOL!

I saw the pictures and I think you look amazing. Good for you for taking charge of your health (and hair style)