Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mother problems

Well...I don't even know where to begin with this blog. Needless to say, my mom really pissed me off and hurt my feelings this morning. I called her like I do every day. Let me lay the groundwork...

Two weekends ago, we went to my mom's to help move her dad into her house. It was his birthday that weekend. We celebrated his birthday while we were there. I brought my mom her birthday gift because her birthday is the 7th, and I knew we wouldn't be back up there that weekend. Graduation is the 12th, and I knew they were coming down. I took my mom's gift because she would have been royally pissed and hurt if she opened it late. I sent her birthday card to her this week, and she got it yesterday. Still 3 days before her birthday.

Since this is her "birthday weekend", they have plans to do something every day. Today, they were going to the horse races. Mom complained because I wasn't there. She mentioned the tea set I got her, but was disappointed because I wasn't there this weekend. I told her we were there two weekends ago and she will be here next weekend. She said it wasn't the same. I reminded her that she got her gift early because I knew we wouldn't be there and that she already had her card. It didn't matter. I asked her if Bro was there and she said that's beside the point because I'm only 4 hours away (Bro lives in CA). I said it did matter because I was just there, gave her her gift, and made sure her card was early. Jokingly, I told her I no longer meant what the card said, and she laughed and said that she didn't believe I meant it when she got it. That's a fine how do you do. Anyway, she laughed, I told her I was hanging up (and did so). That was around 9:45 this morning, and I haven't heard from her since.

Just goes to show, I can't do anything right and G can't do anything wrong. I'm so sick of the same ole bullshit. It frustrates the hell out of me. I do my best to make sure mom is happy. You know what? I give up. I kind of wish they weren't even coming down for my graduation. I know I'm going to feel as though I have to make sure they are catered to even though it's my big day. WHATEVER!!! I've decided to not call mom. See how long it takes her to call me. I'll be waiting forever (I've done this before), trust me, I know. Plus, she has a friend coming in on Tuesday that will be coming with her to my graduation and both her parents live with her. She's gonna be busy - so I don't want to bother her with a phone call when she could be doing something else. Yeah, yeah, I know - sounds like I'm still a bit upset about all of this. I haven't really been stewing over it all day - just off and on all day. I feel like such a loser sometimes especially when it comes to my family. Oh well.

Thank God for Hubby's family. They are being so sweet regarding my graduation. They have offered us the use of their restaurant for my party and they're planning on making the majority of the food. We offered to pay for some of it, but they want us to enjoy and not worry about a thing. Why can't my family be that way? They didn't even want to throw a party for me. Can you believe it? I had to ask them about a party then mom had the nerve to tell me I should throw one for myself. Yeah, right. Loser of a family, and I'm stuck right in the damn middle.


contemplator said...

You know, a good friend clued me in a long time ago to the fact that my mother was emotionally abusive. I'm not trying to read too much into your post, but I have similar issues with my mother. Nobody came to my graduation when I was finally finished. They would've had to have cared to call. That sounds bitter, but I say it now with a shrug.

Life is really too short and filled with too many things to waste it on people who don't care that much about you, family or not. That's my two cents anyway.

Kari said...

Thanks for your 2 cents. I appreciate it. I kind of figured all that stuff out, too. But somehow, it still really bothers me some times. Oh well. I'll learn to get over it.