Friday, August 25, 2006

I was right!!

OK…I’m not just imagining things…I faxed my resume to 2 of the 3 companies I emailed my resume to last week through CareerBuilders. In less than 30 minutes from faxing these, I received a phone call from Human Resources from one of the companies. They’re going to call next week to schedule an interview. They wanted to make sure I realized this was a part-time position.

This is the job I would really like right now. It’s in a national real estate firm. I would love to get into the real estate business (at least see if this is something I would like to do). I like the part-time part of it so I can still make Curves 3 times a week and get my allergy shots each week without having to take time off or be too tired to work out. This would also give me the time I need to figure out a few things and work on the issues I listed in my last post.

I feel better now knowing that they didn’t get my resume as opposed to them just not wanting to interview me. J Yeah, still working on self-esteem issues. So sue me.

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