Monday, June 05, 2006

my tattoo

This is my tattoo...

I got this tattoo two years ago at the age of 35. My mom thinks I got the tattoo just to spite her. I guess she thinks I'm not my own person. Actually, the reason I got the tattoo was because a butterfly stands for new beginning. I got this tattoo when I was working through some issues with my family. I have always tried to live up to their expectations, but have always felt as though I fell far short of the mark they set. At this point in my life, I realized that what my parents think of me is no longer my main concern. What I think of myself matters most.

I thought over my tattoo decision for about 10 years. I wanted to make sure the tattoo I got was something I could live with for the rest of my life. I also wanted it to be in a place that I could enjoy, but wouldn't be distorted through changes in my body due to weight fluctuations or age. That's why I put it on the inside of my right ankle. That way, if I want someone to know I have it, I can show it. If I need to hide it for work, I can wear pants (which I usually do at work) and look completely professional. I didn't want it on my back or somewhere I could only see it by looking in a mirror.

I chose this butterfly because it has personal meaning between my husband, his cousin, and myself. Hubby helped me work through a lot of the issues I have with my family, so I wanted something that reminded me of him. We felt a close kinship with his cousin when she came down from Canada to visit. We both think of her like a little sister. She is going through a lot of the same things I've been going through my entire life.

Hubby and I went to New Orleans about 5 years ago and had our names (including his cousin's) painted by this man that used a lot of individual pictures to form your name. The only letter that all three of our names have in common is the "A". The man gave us a list of what each picture represents and, according to his sheet, the butterfly symbolizes love. This butterfly was in Hubby's "A". Since it symbolizes love and new beginnings, I thought it the perfect tattoo. A picture I can live with the rest of my life to symbolize the love I have for Hubby and his cousin and to remind me just how far I've come in my journey.

So...that's the story behind my tattoo. When people see my tattoo, they usually say, "Oh, a butterfly." I know, they are very common, but 1) my butterfly is facing a different direction than most you see as tattoos and 2) it has special meaning to me, to Hubby, and to his cousin. When I tell people the story above, the tattoo doesn't seem quite so cliche. :-)

I did this for me, not to spite my mom or for any other reason. I love it and am thinking about getting a tattoo of my dog's paw print on my thigh - he always hits the same spot when he jumps into bed with us. That's the spot I want the tattoo, so I am obviously not going to get the tattoo until after my dog dies or starts landing on a different spot. My folks can't believe I'm thinking about getting a second tattoo. They just don't get me, but that's ok. I do!

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