Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yet another Meme

I found this meme at Manicdote and thought I'd post it for you all to see. If you haven't done this meme yet, please do it and let me know so I can see your answers.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago: Working at a place I hated. Been married to the most wonderful man for a year (which means I was probably pretty bitchy at that time and giving him nothing but grief). I think this was about the time I had my breakdown and the doctor finally diagnosed me with depression/anxiety and I started medication. Wow! I didn’t realize how long it’s been.

2. Five Things on my to-do list today: Allergy shots; do a load of laundry; load, run, and empty the dishwasher (yep, that’s 5) AND…I have to watch today’s episode of Days of Our Lives, duh.

3. Three snacks I enjoy: Salted nuts (preferably cashews or pistachios), cheese, fruit (as for snacks that aren't good for me - anything chocolate or sweet)

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Pay off all bills (including credit cards and student loans). Travel, pay off the debts of our friends and family, set up a GREAT retirement fund, set money aside for each niece and nephew (for when they turned 30), and do all the home improvements we’ve been putting off and wanting to do.

5. Three of my bad habits: gnaw on my fingers (all around the nail bed), lazy, watch a LOT of TV

6. Five places I have lived: Los Angeles, CA; Hammond, IN; Pensacola, FL; Murfreesboro, TN; Smyrna, TN

7. Five jobs I have had: Receptionist/Cashier for a Mercedes Dealership; Receptionist for an architectural firm; Quality Control Clerk in a warehouse; Shipping Clerk and Inventory Control Clerk in same warehouse; Lead in Customer Care (in-bound telephone sales and customer service); Secretary – many places.

Until Later...


Nevis said...

Cool! I just moved from Los Angeles, CA! I lived in North Hollywood, basically the armpit of the valley.

mama biscuit said...

LOL. That was freaky. You left a comment on my blog while I was reading this meme.

It's really pathetic that we live so close and we haven't gotten together. We need to change that.


Karen Harrington said...

Hi Kari,

Hey, don't know if you've stopped by my blog scobberlotch lately. Perhaps you haven't or you would know that...da, da, da, DUH!! - you are a winner in my 10 word dysfunctional story contest. Please hop on over to the blog so you can send me your contact info and I can send you your prize.


Karen Harrington
author, Janeology

Unknown said...

So what was your favorite place to live? I'm sorry I don't know this, Kari, but do you have custody of K1 and K2? I got the impression they live with you.

I hope you have a GOOD day.
