Tuesday, November 15, 2005

ABC's of ME

A is for Age - 36
B is for Booze – Screwdriver
C is for Career – Student
D is for Dad’s name - Greg
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - friends
F is for Favorite article of clothing- jeans
G is for Goof off thing to do - web surfing, Playing UO, spending time with family, watching TV
H is for Hometown - Bellflower, CA
I is for Instrument you play – piano
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Apple Butter
K is for Kids – 0, but I have a nephew I consider mine
L is for Living arrangement – married with a dog
M is for Music I like – 80's!!... and most everything else too!
N is for Name of your first pet - Pomfritz (german for french fry - he was a french poodle)
O is for overnight hospital stays –1
P is for Phobias – being electrocuted, the dark, and old men
Q is for Quote you like - "No life is so hard that you cannot make it easier by the way you take it."
R is for Reason for smiling - I get to see my nephew each weekend
S is for Siblings –1 younger brother
T is for Texas , Ever been? does the airport count?
U is for Unique trait – open minded
V if for Vegetable you love - potato
W is for Worst traits – Too trusting
X is for X-Rays you’ve had – a lot - more than 10 for sure
Y is for Yummy food you make – Quesadilla
Z is for Zodiac sign – Sagitarrius

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