Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Yesterday's Interview

~My interview yesterday went really well. Interviews, for me, always go well for some reason. I may not get called in for interviews very often, but every interview I've ever given, I've been offered the job. I've always looked at this as "God" telling me which job is right for me. I'm usually asked to 1 interview (no matter how many applications I fill out or resumes I send out) and I've always been offered the position.

Even my last job (only a month) was actually the right job for me at that time. Even with all the religious talk and my feeling uncomfortable there, I needed that job at that point in my life. It made me realize that what I think about me is much more important that what someone else thinks about me. I needed to see that I don't need to live up to the expectations of anyone but myself. I found that I do not have to put up with those situations any longer and I don't have to put myself into those situations. I can take myself out of them. I needed to know that and be comfortable with that.

I have found that there is always something I can learn in any job I've ever gotten. It may be that I need to learn how to handle a certain personality type or it may be that I need to learn something about me.

The job I interviewed for yesterday is a secretarial position at my alma mater so it's a government job. I was there early, so I was able to see how they interacted with each other long before my interview. I liked what I saw. I saw a group that enjoys being around each other, a group that is more than willing to help each other out, a group that is tight knit, and a group that isn't afraid to laugh out loud with each other and tease each other a bit. I love that kind of atmosphere. From what I saw yesterday, this could very easily be the place of employment I've been looking for over the past years.

Wish me luck and thanks so much for your good wishes and crossed fingers yesterday.
Little over 1 cup cinnamon Life Cereal (about 170 cals)
Chicken Pot Pie (670 cals)
5 pieces of choc covered macadamia (350)
Popcorn (140 cals)
Raspberry popsicle (30 cals)
1 dark chocolate Hershey with Almonds (50 cals)
1 rice crispy treat (160 cals)
=1575 cals

Obviously, I was pretty snacky yesterday. At least my caloric intake wasn’t bad.

1 cup Irish Crème Coffee (NO Baileys)
34 oz water (I think – lost track)
20 oz Coke Zero

Nothing but normal walking and I was pretty lazy

I've done my measurements and I've even taken pictures of myself in my underwear. I'm thinking about making the pictures into a wallpaper for my desktop so I can see it daily as a reminder. I know I have a mirror, but I honestly don't look like that in the mirror. I guess I have a good self-image (what a shock that is!) because I don't look half as fat in my mirror (any mirror in my house) as I do in pictures or in the windows I've caught my reflection in. Don't ask because I am NOT posting those pictures. :-)

Here's to day 9. We're doing fine. We've learned these bad eating/exercise habits over the years, we can't expect to change them over night no matter how much we'd like to. Hang in there. We CAN do it.

1 comment:

Manda Girl said...

I'm so glad to hear that things went well yesterday! Trusting your gut and observing the people in the environment is good thinking!

I didn't jump on the bike yesterday...but I did take Meimei for a (short) walk in morning.

Breakfast (cereal/skim milk): 170 cal
snack (Animal crackers): 160 cal
lunch (ww turkey dinner): 380 cal
snack: (slim fast bar, pineapple chunks, slim fast bar, fig newtons): 510 cal
Dinner (mini pizza, ceaser salad / fat free dressing, piece of ceese): 450

Water: 36 oz
coffee: 18 oz

I realized yesterday that I could have 4 fig newtons or a bowl of Special K (vanilla almond) and they are the same calorie amount. I thought, what is going to make me more full and satisfied - the 4 tiny cookies or a bowl of cereal.

I also realized that a Bear claw and a sugar-free, slim milk vanilla latte (my favorite morning snack) is 550 cal! That's a meal! No more Starbuck runs for me...