Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pissed Off – Hurt Feelings??

I’m not really sure how I feel about this situation...

Yesterday at lunch, I called Mom because I had a feminine health question that REALLY had me worried. When she answered the phone, she said she had G on the other line trying to help her get her laptop running. First of all, she called H earlier in the week regarding the same issue. H is a network administrator and has set up my parent’s computers, network, the whole shebang. H couldn’t help her and said that it sounded like the same problem they had a few months ago regarding interference and it would clear itself in time and that there wasn’t anything that could be done for it. She calls G who has no computer training, just his own experience to rely on. That kind of pissed me off. I didn’t dare tell H that mom went to G for a second opinion (I was worried that he would get his feelings hurt and I couldn’t blame him – hell, I was upset and she didn’t even question my judgment or knowledge). Heeellllloooo! His opinion is the only one that is professional. If the person who works on computers all day long, every day of the week, couldn’t fix your problem, how in the hell can you expect some "nobody" with no computer training whatsoever to fix the same problem? I just don’t understand that thinking whatsoever.

Anyway, so Mom asked if she could call me back. I told her I only had a health question, but sure, you can call me back. I was at lunch, so I knew that if she didn’t call me back within the hour, I would have to wait to call her again after work. Needless to say, I had to call her after work. I asked her if G was able to fix her problem. Her answer…”Nope.” Serves her right. I hope she’s without that damn thing until we come up for Thanksgiving. Mean of me? Yeah, I know. I’m okay with that. Besides, it isn’t like she doesn’t have a desktop computer she can use for the same things with a TV in that room, so she would only be deprived of her comfy recliner. A

nyway, I finally told her what my question was and she said, “Well, why didn’t you tell me it was a health question?” I told her, "I did." She said that she must not have heard me and that I didn’t sound stressed or worried, so it didn’t come across as important. WHATEVER!!!

Until later…

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