Monday, March 26, 2007

I Goofed....and Coffee Drinker?

Today, I was driving back to the office from lunch. I was coming up to a green light and noticed that NO ONE was moving in ANY direction. I waited a few seconds then honked my horn. WHAT!? Like you haven't done it.

Anyway, after I honked, a police car in the front of the line headed toward me turned on his lights. I swear, I didn't see him or his lights before so I don't know if they were on or not before I honked. I really didn't see him. So, he turns on his lights and starts driving (I guessed I woke him up and made him realize the light turned green? I don't know). He was in the front of a line of a FUNERAL procession. OOPS!

I mentioned this to one of the girls in my office and she stated that I was impatient. I told her that I guess I was and she stated that honking is a terrible thing to do and that it was extremely rude. She also stated that when someone honks behind her, she slows down and makes sure they can't pass her. Personally, I think THAT is rude, but whatever.

On my drive home today, I realized that I actually hardly honk at anyone. I only honk when I'm waiting at a red light behind someone who hasn't noticed the light has changed (usually because they are looking in the backseat, reading, or any number of other things) or when someone is about to come into my lane without realizing that I am there. I will drive behind someone going TEN miles BELOW the speed limit and will NOT honk (I get extremely frustrated, but I don't honk). I guess I'm not THAT impatient after all. :-)

On another note...when I first started working in this office, I was asked if I was a coffee drinker. I told them that I wasn't but that on occasion, I will have one cup in the morning especially if it's a cold morning or if I need caffeine.

I was thinking this weekend that years ago, I wouldn't drink coffee. At. All. I couldn't stand the taste, but I've always loved the smell. Then I started drinking a cup of coffee as long as it had one packet of sweetner and enough CoffeeMate to turn the coffee the color of caramel (which I pronounce "carmull"). I could even drink it with one sweetner and a packet of hot chocolate. :-) Not only do I drink coffee in the ways mentioned above, but I will also drink it cold. I drink the equivalent of 3 cups (my cup is equal to 1 1/2 cups and I fill it twice) each morning at work no matter if I need caffeine, if it's cold, or not. I realized this weekend, that I AM A COFFEE DRINKER! I can't believe that I have actually become a coffee drinker. I guess my tastes have finally matured. Too bad the rest of me hasn't. :-P


angela said...

I would have hit the horn too...
Here you're not supposed to use the horn unless it's to warn someone of danger.

Anonymous said...

I am a coffee addict! LOL If I don't have at least four a day I have issues! :-)