Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Real Post

Sorry it's been a few days since I've actually given a real post. Things have been busy because of my birthday, and I wanted to make sure I posted something EVERY day this month.

K has been calling us occasionally. It’s really cute. He’s not even 4yet, but he knows which speed dial is us. One day he called, hung up the phone, then handed it to Grandma and told her to call Uncle. We called back and asked if they wanted anything or if K called us. We found out it was K. So cute. He called us last weekend and asked H to “bring Christmas”. Come to find out, he’s already been under the tree opening up gifts.

On Wednesday, H took me for a drive. He wanted to show me something. He took me to see a house in town that had their lights set to music. It was pretty cool. He had a sign on a tree to tell us which FM station to turn to so we could check out the music that went with the lights. It was pretty sweet. H says he wants to do that one year. The computer geek that he is, I’m sure we’ll end up doing it one day.

Last week, we heard a deep bark one morning. It sounded like it was coming from the front porch. Our dog was in the house, so we weren’t sure what it was. We opened up the front curtain and saw a bassett hound sitting on the front porch barking at a passing jogger. Crazy mutt. Not only does our dog think he owns everything in his line of sight, but now another dog also thinks he owns everything in his line of sight starting from our porch. He was really cute and he had a tag. I haven’t seen him since that morning. Silly dog.

We went and saw Eragon last night. It was a very good movie. It didn't seem like it was 2 hours long. The place was packed. I can't wait for the next movie to see what happens. I bought the book, but I haven't read it yet. I just finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Clark and have started reading The DaVinci Code, but I'm still in the first few chapters.

We took some friends to see the house with the lights set to music last night and spent about an hour just driving around checking out the lights on homes all around town. We had a good night.

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