Sunday, November 19, 2006

Catch Up

Ok, things I've been thinking about but forgetting to blog about. I actually wrote a list, can you believe it?

1. I have officially started my "Winter Fur". You may wonder what the heck is that? Trust me, women know even if they haven't heard it called by this name. I never heard this term until just a few years ago myself. It's when a woman doesn't shave her legs for the winter. Insulation. Keeps you warmer. Maybe not, but sounds good. For me, it's not as bad as it sounds. I've been getting my legs waxed for a while, so it now just grows in sporadically. Thank God for small favors. Supposedly, it would only take about 4 more waxes for my hair to stop growing on my legs, but since I have some German blood in me, I REALLY don't think that's true at all. Aren't you glad I finally shared that little tidbit? LOL

2. We've been having a LOT of fun with our nephew the past week or so. He doesn't want us to leave. EVER! He still copies a lot of the things I do and he loves playing with me and Hubby. This weekend has been the best. We were over there yesterday for quite a few hours. K was playing with the computer using MS Paint. He had a blast drawing and coloring. Hubby worked with him and he had a great time. We had the "Bagger Vance" DVD in (K LOVES golf). At certain parts, he would come up on the sofa, sit with me (ok, actually practically on top of me - he got as close as he could without actually being on top of me), and he had his little feet touching my feet. It was fantastic. I held him, rubbed his arm, and tickled him. We had fun. Today we went over and took him to IHOP for pancakes (another of his favorites). When we finished, we went to Target and we separated. When he saw us coming toward him, he jumped out intot he aisle and hollered "come on". The lady we passed was smiling - how can you not? really. So we looked around a bit. He went with his dad and realized we weren't right behind him. He came back yelling "Aunt Kari" (I love that sound). We bought him a citrus Icee and he was such a happy camper. We all went back to their house and he went outside with his uncle and played golf. When they came in, K wanted to color, so he got paper and crayons out and had his uncle coloring with him. Then he asked me to come down and color, too. He gave me a clean piece of paper and got another one for him. Sadly, uncle had nothing to color on. He mentioned it to K, so K gave him a piece we already colored on and flipped it over for him to color on. Hillarious. Poor Uncle. K copied everything I did. You know I loved that.

3. I've been wanting to lose weight and I really think I'm close to beginning this venture. I really want to be around for Kobe with the ability to run around and play without being worn out so quickly. I haven't hit the 200 mark (and I don't plan on it!), but I'm close and I just know this isn't the best me. I'd really like to get down around 150. I'm kind of contradicting my last post where I'm in the mood to bake. I am in the mood to bake, but I'm not going to be eating that stuff until Thanksgiving Day. I've decided that this week, I am going to drink a Slimfast shake for breakfast and lunch and then eat a normal dinner each night. See if I can lose a few pounds before Thursday. I may even do that for a few weeks as a jump start to weight loss, but I do not want to do that for a long period of time. It makes no sense and isn't really all that healthy. When you go back to eating regular meals, it kills you because you gain weight from going to liquids to solids. I don't want to sabotage, I just want a jump start.

4. We have decided that for Christmas (and my birthday - the 15th of Dec), Hubby and I will be getting a recumbent bike so we can work on weight loss while it is cold outside. I am all for this. We need to do something (both of us). In the 10 years we've been married, we've both gained about 50 pounds. Makes sense...we stay home more, get lazy, eat out. We've each gained about 5 pounds per year. We can't expect to lose all that weight at one time when we put it on slowly, we aren't stupid or being unrealistic with this. We know you lose it slower than you put it on. It's harder to lose it - you have to be careful and watch what you're doing. To gain, you just eat and enjoy. Yep, losing is soooo much harder. But we both want to do it.

5. I know I've been lazy lately. I can't explain it. There are a lot of things I want to get done, I just can't seem to get the energy to do them. This is how I was before I took the depression meds a few years ago. This is another reason I think I may need to go back on the meds. It'll have to wait until I get a job with good insurance. Hubby's insurance SUCKS! and that kind of stuff comes out of pocket - maybe to be reimbursed depending on how much is left in his fund each year. This year, we have used the fund completely, so it would all be out of pocket. No thanks, I think I'll wait.

So...those are the things I've been thinking about posting and haven't.

The things I've been wanting to do around the house and haven't:
1. Do a thorough cleaning in each room
2. Change the room we've been sleeping in from the spare room back to the master (which means moving furniture)
3. Paint 4 rooms in the house (kitchen, master bedroom, spare bedroom, master bathroom)
4. Clean out flower bed in front yard
5. Clean out beds around trees in front yard
6. Paint garage door, 2 columns on front porch, paint front door, paint porch light plate to match siding
7. Put quarter round on the living room floor (would finish the job we started of putting wood floors down in that room)

That's all I can think of at the moment, but it seems that there were other things I wanted to do. I think those other things would actually fit under the major categories.

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